Inspiring Artists

Good Art Books ?

This week two new art books arrived in the post .... 

The first was Martha Sielman's new publication 'Art Quilts International - Abstract and Geometric'  ......

While I always enjoy looking at art quilt collections, this publication goes one step further!  In addition to 300 beautiful images of art quilts the book includes interviews with 29 artists including many of my favorite artists ....Diedre Adams,  Fumiko Nakayama, Sue Benner,  Judy Hooworth ... to name a few.  The interviews cover the artists inspirations, techniques and challenges ....  most interesting reading!

The second book is Hilary Spurling's  'Matisse - The Master'  ..... this is the second volume of the Matisse biography ....


I haven't ventured into artist biographies before,  and while I have only read the first couple of chapters of this book, I can't put it down!  

One of the reviewers sums up the book as follows ........

" A superb read, and presents fresh and revealing material at every turn" ... Frank Whitford, Sunday Times

I'd love to hear about any recommendations you might have for other good artist biographies ...... 

Thanks for reading ....CC

Art Date with "The You Beaut Country"

Had the opportunity this week to spend a couple of hours at the Art Gallery of NSW to see the John Olsen Exhibition "The You Beaut Country" an experience I can totally recommend!!

This exhibition provides a wonderful survey of John Olsen's career from his first exhibition in 1955 to his recent works and includes commissioned ceiling paintings, tapestries and decorated ceramics.

John Olsen's work has a very distinctive and personal style that definitely captures the uniqueness and energy of the Australian landscape.

I came away delighted with joyous use of yellow,  the expressive connecting lines and the way he combines a wide overview of the  landscape  with the minute detail of it's components like  fish, plants, insects ......

I love the yellows  in works such as 'Sydney Sun'  and 'Summer in the You Beaut Country'  and  'Seafood Paella'  below ... on the cover of the catalogue ... another terrific exhibition publication which I have added to my collection.

The use of expressive line is another outstanding feature of his work that is captivating.. it is sometimes bold and exuberant ... sometimes fine and delicate  .... sometimes dominating the work .... sometimes providing intricate detail at the edges of the work.    It seems to me that this is in  part how he captures the vastness of the Australian terrain as well as the character of the specific environment.  There is so much to discover and enjoy  in these paintings.

The exhibition also includes tapestries, decorated ceramics and some of the many journals he maintained over 5 decades.  These include his writings, sketches, photographs and ephemera - tickets, postcards, bird feathers! and provide a glimpse into the artists world.

The exhibition runs until June 12 at the Art Gallery of NSW.

Have you seen the exhibition?  What was your reaction?

Thanks for dropping by .....CC

Art Date .... well sort of!

I would love to see the David Hockney exhibition currently showing at the National Gallery of Victoria but sadly will not have the opportunity to travel to Melbourne before it closes and the NGV is the only venue in Australia! 

As a consolation, I visited the NGV website and was delighted with the video of David Hockney reviewing the exhibition when he visited for the opening.   Here is the link if you would like a taste......

I also purchased a copy of the catalogue which at A$29.95 seemed very reasonably priced. When I picked up the parcel from the PO I was surprised by its weight and even more so when I opened it and browsed through its many pages (over 1 inch thick)

With time to settle down and read and enjoy I am even a greater fan !!    Here are a couple of the things that really struck a chord with me .....

The series of 82 (yes 82) portraits included in this show.  Since taking LIsa Call's  'Working in a Series' class a couple of years ago I love this process and where it  can take you.  David Hockney's portrait series is unified by a number of parameters ... size. medium, subject seated on the same chair and the blue/green background blocks.   The pose and attire was determined by the sitter.  Edith Delvaney,  writing in the catalogue observes "Hockney shows no sign of his curiosity in this series and its possibilities diminishing".

I also fell in love with his Yosemite pieces,  capturing the light and atmosphere of this place beautifully, it makes me feel like I was back there.   The other element of these works, created on an ipad,  are the trees.  Hockney is quoted as saying ..."trees have a deep appeal ...." and I am drawn to the variety and forms of the trees depicted in the paintings and the wonderful color palette.  

While these works may have been created on an ipad they are clearly the result of first hand experience.   Simon Maidment, Curator of Contemporary Art the NGV writes " The success of translating these places is owed in no small part to the particular way the artist has chosen to experience them, dedicating time to landscapes, for looking and exploring as well as depicting."

For me,  David Hockney makes wonderful pictures and some day I hope to have the opportunity to see his work face-to-face ...... a real art date!!! 

Have you had an "art date"  recently?  What do you recommend?

Thanks for dropping by  ....CC