Pigment Possibilities

Hi there

.... since I returned from my trip to India I have been exploring the possibilities of using natural pigments in my work, the powdered particles that are the source of colour. Pigments can be derived from stone, earth/clay, plants and even waste metals and materials.

The attraction for me is in being able to incorporate a connection with place ... with the earth/land in my work. I have started using some pigments in the recent works inspired by India, where they contrast beautifully with the vibrant colours of Indian life.

Ultimately, I am looking to create a direct connection, where it is possible ....for example: where a pigment that is drawn from the mangroves is used in this series of works.

To start, I bought a selection of earthy pigments to try out ....

I have been experimenting with different ways of working with these pigments and I'm using an acrylic medium to create a paint or glaze (you can also use oil or watercolour mediums).

Some of the pigments are quite a challenge to blend into the medium, others mix easily, but they all bring quite a different character to the work.

I have learned that when combined with the texture of collage you can create some lovely edges and tone-on-tone marks!

These two works from the India series are my first explorations with pigments. In the first 'French Earth' pigment has been added as a glaze to provide a soft contrasting tone to the acrylic paint. In the second 'Venetian Red' has been used to add a textured effect on the righthand side.

Acrylic paint, found and made collage papers, pencil, ink, earth pigments

If you missed the post on India you can see it HERE

There is much more to explore here, for example:

  • different medium and pigment combinations

  • texture combinations

  • making pigments from the raw materials

and I have found some excellent resources to help!

I am particularly inspired by the work of LondonPigment artist Lucy Mayes who makes recycled pigments using urban waste stream materials.


the PigmentLab workshop offered by Emily Jeffords which provides a comprehensive review on finding, making and using natural pigments.

What is most exciting to me, is to see the effects of working with natural pigments alongside traditional colour and what that might bring to my work.

Thank you for reading, your time and support are much appreciated .... CC Always