It’s exciting to have some work on exhibition again!
Now the dust is starting to settle and restrictions easing (at least in NSW) it’s time to get back to work!
A new group exhibition ‘Abstract’ was installed at Jing Jos in Kangaroo Valley this week and I am fortunate to have two pieces of work in the show ….
The first is a small piece “Meander” 30 x 30 cm which was inspired by my earlier Pathways series ( the work on the right)
The second piece, the next work in the Interlaced Series “Winter” 107 x 99cm. It is made with hand dyed cotton and batik. I used a range of tones in the overlaid leaf structure.
The next in the Series is “Spring” ….. currently a work in progress.
Thank you for your interest in my art work and taking the time to read my journal.
Your comments are always welcome.