Looking Back at 2017 ...
With the New Year at hand, I've been thinking about what I've achieved in 2017 ... and sometimes it feels like not so much!
After reading Lisa Call's blog post 'The Power of The New Year'
I was wondering how many accomplishments I could list for 2017. When I went back to look at the artworks I had made I was quite surprised to find 18 pieces of finished work and these were mostly of a larger size than in previous years.
There were a number of experiments and some works that did not fly, as well as one piece that was reworked into a 4 smaller works .... I haven't included these...
I decided it would be fun to see all of 2017's works in a gallery format ..... they are pretty much in the order they were made and you can see the focus has been on the Grevillea Series ....
Now for 2018 !
Wishing you a fun and creative year ....
Thank you for reading CC